Title: STORY
objective: During a class, students will create and read aloud stories based on
given content words.
Intermediate (2nd year)
Class type:
Young adults
Aim: practice
stress, rhythm and intonation
focus: speaking
Time: Max 5
Material: Computer with access to Internet / Headphones
1. Students
sign up to Podbean.
2. Teacher
shows participants how to record using Podbean.
3. Teacher
shows how to write a reply to a Podbean audio.
4. Teacher
shows how to share audio files from Podbean.
5. Teacher
tells students:
5.1 they will say a content word. Each student,
one content word.
5.2 teacher will copy them on the board.
5.3 students will have 5-10 min to copy the
content words and create a story with them.
5.4 students record their story.
5.5 students share the audio.
6. Student
chooses a classmate and listens to his/her recording and write comments or
in their
classmate´s Podbean site.
7. At the
end of the class, teacher chooses 2 or more recordings at random and evaluate
them based on the content studied.
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